The Great Commission

Are the Lost Truly Lost?

Are the Lost Truly Lost?

Inclusivism suggests that since Christ is the solution it would not be fair for God to condemn those who never knew they had a problem, and, since we know he is good and fair, surely God would never condemn those who never had a chance to receive Christ.  It would feel nice if this were the case, and we could assume most people are heaven-bound with a right relationship with God through their best efforts; however, those who preach the gospel would be pretty deplorable, the worst enemies of mankind—spreading the “good news” would be sending people to hell!  But what does the Bible say about this inclusive logic? 

Are you willing: Considerations for Bible Study Evangelism

Are you willing: Considerations for Bible Study Evangelism

But if you are willing to be a learner, willing to love the worst of the worst, willing to listen to the needs of lost souls, and willing to lead those you minister to, then there will be that one sheep that left the 99 who will find a home forever in heavenly places. Are you willing?

Pursuing Missions in Hostile Areas

Pursuing Missions in Hostile Areas

If you don’t realize that you are to bring forth truth in the midst of hostility, then you have most likely already been rendered ineffective by the enemy. The invitation into a walk with the Lord is to take up your cross and follow (Mat 16:24), to join in the fellowship of his sufferings (Php 3:10). Hostility is promised from the outset.